Absolute LAST day to order is May 27th. Don't miss out on the yearbook. Order today! https://www.jostensyearbooks.com/
7 months ago, Erin Steffener
yearbook ad
Follow along with Olivia Hines as she plays in Day 1 of the IGHSAU State Golf Tournament: https://www.golfgenius.com/pages/10611648944230410676
7 months ago, Brian Borrison
Due to impending severe weather, tonight's high school Softball and Baseball games have been cancelled (5/21/24).
7 months ago, Erin Steffener
As the end of the year is almost here, order your yearbook today, to secure a copy!! They are amazing!!! Don't miss the opportunity to get your copy. https://www.jostensyearbooks.com/
7 months ago, Erin Steffener
last chance yearbook
Tickets for tonight's Boys Soccer Substate Game vs Danville can be purchased here: https://iahsaa.hometownticketing.com/embed/event/5122?es=t79cc4les6ile038i31imit5gg
7 months ago, Erin Steffener
Boys Soccer
Join Kamden for his signing ceremony today, Monday, May 20th at 5:00pm at the Baseball Field!!!
7 months ago, Erin Steffener
Kam Stotlar signing
Mediapolis CSD| Last week of school reminder: We will have a full school day on Wednesday and early dismissal on Friday at 1:45 p.m. Let's make it a great last week of school! #MEPOPride
7 months ago, Adam Magliari
Last week of school reminder 2024
Graduation will be livestreamed today at 3:00 pm https://fan.hudl.com/mepo_bulldogs
7 months ago, Erin Steffener
Congrats Grads
Thank you FFA students for the beautiful flowers you planted at the Mediapolis Senior Center!
7 months ago, Marissa Riffel
Mediapolis Boys Soccer will play a Substate Game at home vs Danville on Monday, May 20th. Tickets can be purchased here: https://iahsaa.hometownticketing.com/embed/event/5122?es=t79cc4les6ile038i31imit5gg We also need volunteers for the concession stand that night! Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4FAFAF2CA7FD0-48763123-concession
7 months ago, Erin Steffener
soccer help
Mediapolis Choir wrapped up their year with a spring concert last Friday and a performance for the residents of Prairie Ridge on Monday. Great job by all!!
8 months ago, Brian Borrison
Middle School softball practice has been cancelled for tonight, Tuesday, May 14th.
8 months ago, Erin Steffener
Mediapolis will host Girls Regional Soccer vs Central Lee on Wednesday, May 15 at 7:00 pm. Tickets must be purchased online: https://tickets.gobound.com/tickets/events/h202405060746147938792d88827dd4d/checkout
8 months ago, Erin Steffener
Soccer Gameday
JV/Varsity Baseball with Cardinal for tonight (5/13) has been cancelled due to impending weather.
8 months ago, Brian Borrison
Its been a great spring for Mediapolis Athletics: SEISC Champions: Boys Soccer, Boys Golf, Boys Track, Girls Track SEISC Runner Up: Girls Soccer Lots of kids playing multiple sports. Great job athletes and coaches!
8 months ago, Brian Borrison
As the school year comes to an end, we are putting the finishing touches on the yearbook. It looks so amazing and I can't wait for you to see it in the fall. Get yours ordered today to guarantee your copy!! You will not be disappointed with your purchase! https://www.jostensyearbooks.com/
8 months ago, Erin Steffener
yearbook excitement
The Summer concession sign-up is now live! Sign up to help here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4FAFAF2CA7FD0-49525278-concession
8 months ago, Erin Steffener
hot dog
Mediapolis CSD| Announcement: The regular Board meeting scheduled for May 13th has moved to May 20th at 6:00 p.m.
8 months ago, Adam Magliari
Board Meeting Date Change
A big shoutout to our AMAZING nurse, Andrea Reif! Thank you for all that you do to keep our students healthy, safe, and happy every day. Your dedication and care make a world of difference. We are incredibly grateful for you!
8 months ago, Lindsay Gunn
They guide us... They support us... They inspire us... They teach us... Today is the day to thank them and say HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!!!
8 months ago, Lindsay Gunn
elem staff
MS/HS Staff