Absolute LAST day to order is May 27th.
Don't miss out on the yearbook. Order today!
Follow along with Olivia Hines as she plays in Day 1 of the IGHSAU State Golf Tournament:
Due to impending severe weather, tonight's high school Softball and Baseball games have been cancelled (5/21/24).
As the end of the year is almost here, order your yearbook today, to secure a copy!! They are amazing!!! Don't miss the opportunity to get your copy. https://www.jostensyearbooks.com/
Tickets for tonight's Boys Soccer Substate Game vs Danville can be purchased here: https://iahsaa.hometownticketing.com/embed/event/5122?es=t79cc4les6ile038i31imit5gg
Join Kamden for his signing ceremony today, Monday, May 20th at 5:00pm at the Baseball Field!!!
Mediapolis CSD| Last week of school reminder: We will have a full school day on Wednesday and early dismissal on Friday at 1:45 p.m. Let's make it a great last week of school! #MEPOPride
Graduation will be livestreamed today at 3:00 pm
Thank you FFA students for the beautiful flowers you planted at the Mediapolis Senior Center!
Mediapolis Boys Soccer will play a Substate Game at home vs Danville on Monday, May 20th. Tickets can be purchased here: https://iahsaa.hometownticketing.com/embed/event/5122?es=t79cc4les6ile038i31imit5gg
We also need volunteers for the concession stand that night! Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4FAFAF2CA7FD0-48763123-concession
Mediapolis Choir wrapped up their year with a spring concert last Friday and a performance for the residents of Prairie Ridge on Monday. Great job by all!!
Middle School softball practice has been cancelled for tonight, Tuesday, May 14th.
Mediapolis will host Girls Regional Soccer vs Central Lee on Wednesday, May 15 at 7:00 pm. Tickets must be purchased online: https://tickets.gobound.com/tickets/events/h202405060746147938792d88827dd4d/checkout
JV/Varsity Baseball with Cardinal for tonight (5/13) has been cancelled due to impending weather.
Its been a great spring for Mediapolis Athletics:
SEISC Champions: Boys Soccer, Boys Golf, Boys Track, Girls Track
SEISC Runner Up: Girls Soccer
Lots of kids playing multiple sports. Great job athletes and coaches!
As the school year comes to an end, we are putting the finishing touches on the yearbook. It looks so amazing and I can't wait for you to see it in the fall. Get yours ordered today to guarantee your copy!! You will not be disappointed with your purchase!
The Summer concession sign-up is now live! Sign up to help here:
Mediapolis CSD| Announcement: The regular Board meeting scheduled for May 13th has moved to May 20th at 6:00 p.m.
A big shoutout to our AMAZING nurse, Andrea Reif! Thank you for all that you do to keep our students healthy, safe, and happy every day. Your dedication and care make a world of difference. We are incredibly grateful for you!
They guide us...
They support us...
They inspire us...
They teach us...
Today is the day to thank them and say HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!!!