Kindergarten had fun today "growing rainbows" in science! Check out those smiles!!!

The Mighty Bulldogs coached by Miranda Hillyard won the local competition and are advancing to the Regional Battle of the Books competition held on Thursday, April 13th where they will compete against 53 other teams

School Spring Picture Days! Elementary day will be Tuesday, March 21 and MS & HS day will be Thursday, March 23. Like last spring, only the students that want to purchase pictures will be photographed. No pre-order envelopes are going home. Questions - billigerling@hotmail.com

Mediapolis Elementary "Tournament of Books" brackets have been released. Below are the North and South "Picture Book" brackets. Wait to see who will be crowned the champion in 2023.

Mediapolis Elementary "Tournament of Books" brackets have been released. Below are the North and South "Chapter Book" brackets. Wait to see who will be crowned the champion in 2023.

Law enforcement has closed Iowa Street, south of school grounds, to all foot and street traffic. Students that normally walk home on Iowa Street will need to use an alternative route after school today. The Des Moines County Sheriff's press release is available on our website.

The school has been contacted by the Des Moines County Law Enforcement Agency, who are currently on school property conducting an investigation. We want everyone to be aware there is no threat to the health or safety of anyone at the school or community.

The band concert postponed from Thursday, March 9th will be held next Friday, March 17th at 6:30.

All after school activities including tonight's (March 9) band concert have been cancelled.

Mediapolis choir students attending the SEISC Select Honor Choir at Central Lee on Monday, March 6. Guest director: Kent Keating from Mount Mercy University.

Once again...a HUGE thank you to all the mystery readers who volunteered to read to students last week! Thank you for making it a special week!

The MEPO Group (Mediapolis Elementary Parent Organization) is seeking volunteers for upcoming events! On Monday, May 22, we will host MEPOlympics with “Minute to Win It” style games to celebrate the end of the school year. Please see the image for more details.

Big thanks to all the guest readers this week! SOOO much fun!!

Mediapolis School will dismiss at 12:45pm today due to gym floor refinishing odor.

The fun week of reading continues!

Reminder, Kindergarten/Transitional Kindergarten Orientation will take place April 24 & 25th. Please see the link below for more information and to fill out the form (please complete the form before March 31st)

Its been a blast having so many guest readers visit the elementary school to celebrate "Read Across America Week"

Congratulations to the Mediapolis Individual Speech Team for their performance on Saturday the 25th. The students performed 27 events with nineteen "1 ratings" and eight "2 ratings". State is on Saturday, March 11th at North Scott.

The Mediapolis Choirs will perform a Pops Concert this evening at 6:30 PM (2/27/23) in the auditorium. Come hear some of your favorite songs and support music at Mediapolis!

Second grade had fun guessing who our mystery readers were today! We enjoyed listening to favorite stories to kick off Read Across America Week